Thursday, 28 June 2007

How to reduce crime and make poverty history in Brunei?

If someone were to ask me the above question, my answer would be EDUCATION. Specifically, by providing education to ALL.

I am sure that you and I agree that crime and education are related. People who have more education are generally less inclined to commit any crime and/or become really poor. Now, I am not addressing those who commit crime while they are still at school (although they can come later once they realize the mistake they make), rather those who are deprived of formal schooling due to other circumstances, such as teenage pregnancy, teenage marriage and early school-leavers. And what I mean by education (for now) is the chance for everyone to complete their PMBs, O levels and A levels.

It is really really sad that there are many out there who did not even finish their PMBs because of early pregnancy and/or early marriage (generally because of the former). I mean, what can they do with just Secondary 2 qualification? At Secondary 2, they were like 14 or 15 years old. Children. And these children are having children. How can they support their family? Yes, I know some people would say WHY got pregnant in the first place? But I also ask Can you UnDO it? Why dwell on the kids' mistakes? What good will it have? Nevermind that their teenagehood have been wiped out, let's not wipe out their future too.

It is in fact disturbing, as the trend of teenage pregnancy is rising over the years (refer Borneo Bulletin 19 April 2007). And what about those who did not get pregnant (or whose pregnancies were terminated i.e. miscarriages) but nevertheless were married at their teenage lives (I can assure you, it does happen to many).

I know this is a dilemma. By giving these teenage moms and dads free formal education can be interpreted as acceptance of pre-marriage pregnancy. But I also say by NOT giving them the education may negatively affect the lives of MANY future Bruneians. It will be a vicious circle: Teenage pregnancy leads to teenage marriage leads to being poor (no job/means to support the family) leads to crime leads to poor parenting quality leads to poor children upbringing and ON and ON and ON.

I think, whether we like it or not somebody has to address this issue seriously. For a rich and a small country like us, where high quality of human resources are scarce, we should give these teenage moms and dads the chance to finish their high school education either by allowing them to continue their studies in their former schools or a special school (special I mean a school that caters to their circumstances). I know that there are evening classes for the PMB and O levels but if I am not mistaken, the students still have to pay for the exams fees, which to me is a big disincentive. In fact, I believe what Brunei should do is to give some incentives for these teenage parents to complete their education.

No matter how Brunei wants to do it, I strongly believe it will be worthwhile. But I implore, please do something, for the sake of the unborn babies, who are our future generation. They deserve better lives.


ps. When's the next session of the state legislative council? Hope to see issues such as this and unemployment be thrashed out.

1 comment:

rabi'a said...

such a good post aunty may! ur right, teenage parents need to be educated and its alarming that the number of them are increasing each year.