Monday, 8 October 2007

Are We A Responsible Nation?

It saddens me to think that we Bruneians are NOT the most responsible and (probably trustworthy) people in the world. Why do I think that? Well, in Brudirect recently (am not sure if it’s also featured in the RTB news) there was a story regarding a lady who badly needed a house but couldn’t afford to build one and all the while did not have any electricity. However, due to the generousity of an unnamed donor, Insya Allah, the lady would eventually be celebrating her Raya in a proper house.

First of all, I am quite shocked that there are people who actually do not have any access to electricity, in such a rich nation and in this 21st century! Apparently, according to my husband, who has done a lot of remote places visitings, this is not an isolated case. Well, his explanation was that because the houses are not properly built (without the authority approvals), their applications to get electricity are turned down. However, I said the only way for these people to get approvals for their houses, would be through architects, which would be costly. And since they are poor, how on earth would they get the additional money to pay for such service? (something to ponder about).

Then our discussion (during sahur) moves towards the now-discontinued Perumahan Rakyat Jati Scheme (not sure if that’s the real scheme name), you know those wooden brown houses which were given (FOC) to those of low income earners. Why was it discontinued? Well, I believe it’s all related to the selfishness of those who are given houses in the Perumahan Scheme. I remember, I once spoke to an officer from the Housing Department, who told me the dilemma they were facing regarding the Perumahan Scheme. The percentage of people who were paying was very low (and I think still is!) So, this could be the main reason why the former scheme is discontinued.

Well, in case you don’t understand how the two are related, you see, I believe the payment received from the Perumahan scheme, partly will be used to finance the PRJ scheme. If there’s no payment, then there wouldn’t be any money to build the latter. I maybe wrong, but if this is true, then sadly, because of the selfishness and irresponsibility of those in the Perumahan Scheme, people who are in real need (and genuinely cannot afford) of a proper roof, suffer.

I don’t know about you, but we should be grateful with all the facilities the government has provided us. But unfortunately for some people, it is never enough. I’m ashamed with the attitudes of many of us towards work, towards the community and sometimes towards each other; which I sum up as plain irresponsible and selfish. Often you hear people complain about everything! The salary is not enough (despite the recent salary increase and the fact that they are fortunate enough to have a secured job!); it is unfair to stop people from having tea-breaks (reason being some government departments have no canteens! And they probably would die of hunger despite their current physical and health states, which are often obese and diabetic); there is no job (although there are thousands of foreign workers doing hundreds of jobs which could also be done by Bruneians); and etc etc.

These are all examples of irresponsible people. Why the salary is never enough? Because they have just bought bigger cars or buy top-of the range furniture with the ‘Buy now Pay later’ scheme, and as a result they can’t even provide the basic necessities for their family and children. Why is there no job? Well it is the ‘government’ job that is not available and for some reason many Bruneians (and sadly the younger ones) seem to think that it is their God-given right to a government job! As a result, they are putting financial pressure to their families (especially their parents) or even worse, these unemployeds couldn’t even bothered to take the responsibility of having protected sex, which results in many out-of-wed babies, which in the end burden other members of their families (often parents/grandparents). And don't let me even start with those who just love to spend most of their time eating and drinking while at work!

As human beings, we all have responsibilities. And it is through our actions that our responsibilities are carried out. Often we don’t see how our actions will affect others. Unfortunately, many times they do. And that is precisely why we should think twice before we do anything.

Selamat Hari Raya.


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