Friday 25 May 2007

Congrats darling

I would like to congratulate my darling husband for getting the highest grade in his final project. I'm very proud of you, darling!

I believe I'm one of his biggest admirers (though I don't think he knows that!). I'm not saying this just because he's my husband but he has these qualities that I don't often see in many others, including myself. Let me tell you his story.

We graduated in the year when Brunei's economy was really badly hit by the Asian economic crisis and the Amedeo crisis. There were very limited job openings and I was one of the lucky few who got a job immediately, for many others it was bad news, including my then-boy friend (my husband lerr).

Like other unemployeds, his pride and self-esteem were affected by the day, especially during the times when my dad asked him whether he had found a job (although I am pretty sure my dad was sincerely asking that question, but knowing men, I know his ego was a bit bruised).

After like 8 months, there was an opening to be a teacher/instructor at the technical college. My husband flatly shot down the idea because he said he didn't deserve it. He was not trained to be a teacher so let someone who had the right qualification get that job. He said he didn't want to 'makan gaji buta'.

After like 1 year of waiting for the 'right job' he gave up. He said God gave him a brain and 2 well-functioned hands, so why not use them? He then started his own business. He didn't have any capital. He's a very proud person. He didn't want to ask any help from his family because he said he knew they would ridicule him before they helped him. I then lent him some money to buy a computer and a printer. And that was it. He worked really hard trying to get his business going(well at that time we wouldn't even call it a 'business). I guess he was trying to earn a living. I still remember how proud I was when he had his first project. (I guess we are indebted to a few people who had faith in locals, and especially had faith in my husband). the times when many Bruneians were crazily borrowing money from the banks to have the grandest car, the grandest 'hantaran', the grandest wedding, my husband managed to save some money for our wedding and totally be debt-free. We wedded after 3 years of him opening his business.

Fast forward to today, he has a couple of businesses rolling. He employs 8 people and 6 of them are locals (locals are his priority, unfortunately we have had bad experiences with local staff, from stealing to shirking to poor discipline and so on. I will blog on this some time. However, he still believes in giving the locals the first chance). He is now earning a lot MORE than what I'm earning and totally debt-free (not even a credit card debt!) What makes me even proud is that he looks after his employees very well. His motto is 'Pay your employees first!'.

Now, he's doing his post graduate study in one of the UK's good institutions of his field, SELF-SPONSORED. He works really hard in every assignments and projects. And today, again he has made me proud for getting the highest grade in his end of year project (and I suspect he's the best student in his year).

Sometimes, I think to myself, Brunei just needs 100 like him in order to make a big difference especially in the private sector. He has the right ingredients to be a good successful person: honest, diligent, pride and modest as in 'ukur baju di badan sendiri'. (I tell you, he is so honest that I have never seen him lie to even a stranger!)

I also declare him as THE most understanding husband in the world (to me, of course!), as he always support me in whatever I'm doing even if it means having to make some sacrifices.

Anyway, this is not meant to be a lovey-dovey post. I am writing as a person who admires someone ,who (thankfully) happens to be my husband. The moral of the story is NEVER GIVE UP! No matter what you do, albeit studying or starting a business or even working as a government employee, the road to success is HARD WORK. Insya Allah, Usaha, Niat, Tawakkal, you will be rewarded!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwwh~ it brought tears to my eyes just by reading it. you're a lucky woman.